Supercharge your sponsored products with the industry’s first retail media Supply-Side Platform (SSP)


Easily scale up your sponsored products ad inventory without involving engineers.

Unlock sophisticated retail media decisioning with our Retail Media SSP, resulting in more profitable, relevant ads. 

ICLV Measurement platform

Measure the true impact of your media. Accurate and privacy-proof. 

Making informed marketing decisions is only going to become more difficult. Combine the benefits of incrementality tests, MMM and MTA with our iCLV Measurement Platform, and finally understand the true impact of your ads. 


Want to drive double-digit growth? Stop wasting ad dollars on deeply loyal existing customers. 

Most retailers spend the bulk of their ad budget on customers that would buy from them anyway. Be smarter, focus on acquiring high-value new customers. 

Trusted by ecommerce champions since 2008
Crealytics has helped us increase product relevancy and improve UX to grow our retail media revenue.

Marco Steinsieck

eCommerce & Site Monetization, Staples


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Unlock Retail Media Revenue with the 2024 Sponsored Products Benchmarks Report
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