GDPR, CCPA, iOS14: Leverage Your First Party Data to Keep Targeting Capabilities

Some of the smartest retail advertisers are now applying an underutilized practice called “data activation” in order to drive new customer acquisition through Google Ads. The results of these tests – with up to 50% more new customers acquired at the same spend levels – have recently attracted the eyeballs of the wider retail industry.

Nicolas Darveau-Garneau, Google’s Chief Evangelist, and Crealytics CEO Andreas Reiffen will present a success story with a large, iconic US retail brand which realized a step change in performance through data activation. They’ll discuss:

  • Why the advertiser decided to go beyond ROAS and revenue as target KPIs
  • The data requirements and predictive analytics capabilities needed to make tROAS perform better
  • Techniques to gain buy-in across the organization to transform the approach of performance advertising

Featured Speakers

Nicolas Darveau-Garneau

Chief Evangelist, Google

Nicolas Darveau-Garneau is the Chief Evangelist of Google, leading a team of 65 Evangelists who help Google’s top advertisers improve their digital strategy by leveraging best practices from the world’s top CMOs. His expertise centers around performance and brand marketing, measurement and testing, privacy and innovation.
Andreas Reiffen

Founder & CEO, Crealytics

Andi is the CEO and strategic leader of Crealytics, a multi-national performance advertising agency and technology firm. Andreas is a sought-after speaker and published expert on the intersection of paid advertising and measurement, particularly on the adaptation of predictive CLV into multi-channel acquisition marketing.

Andreas Reiffen

Founder & CEO, Crealytics

Andi is the CEO and strategic leader of Crealytics, a multi-national performance advertising agency and technology firm. Andreas is a sought-after speaker and published expert on the intersection of paid advertising and measurement, particularly on the adaptation of predictive CLV into multi-channel acquisition marketing.

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