Make Sense of Marketing Performance Metrics. Accurate and Privacy-Proof.

The iCLV Measurement Platform combines the benefits of Incrementality Tests, Media Mix Modelling and Multi-touch Attribution to help you connect marketing spend to growth objectives.

Your profit opportunities (and biggest budget drains) will become obvious. And your next steps, crystal clear.


Making informed marketing decisions is only going to become more difficult

Challenges with Traditional Measurement

Last click and MTA yield misleading conclusions, causing budget misallocation across channels.

With the phasing out of cookies and IDFA, accurate measurement becomes even more challenging.

You may be feeding AI with the wrong data which leads to poor performance in the respective channels.


Calibrate an agile Marketing Mix Model (MMM) with Incrementality Intelligence and campaign-level insights with our Multi-touch Attribution (MTA)


How iCLV can help with tighter performance marketing measurement and attribution 

Privacy-friendly, Cookie-less Measurement

Measure the true impact of your ads in one platform, combining the power of tests, MMM and MTA. No need for cookies or pixels.

Prove the Value of Your Ad Spend

Don’t optimize purely on past-revenue data. Measurement with incrementality at the core helps you understand which ads cause conversions.

Allocate Your Media Budget More Effectively

Maximize sales with access to causality insights that help determine the most impactful media mix.

iLift: Geo-based Incrementality Tests

Geo-based incrementality tests
are the gold standard of hold-out tests to understand true sales lift.
Test results inform and calibrate
our MMM.

100% GDPR compliant

Statistically accurate

Channel-level granularity

iMMM: Incrementality-based Marketing Mix Modelling

Get instant cross-channel insights calibrated by incrementality test results. Combine the accuracy of incrementality tests with the ease of running MMM.

Cookie-free & privacy-friendly

Flexible data input and output

Mature & proven models

iMTA: Incrementality-based
Multi-touch Attribution

Standard MTA is highly impacted and biased by low-quality customer journey data, making it impossible to get a clear view on true campaign performance. Our iMTA adds an incrementality layer to unlock real campaign performance.

Correct the shortcomings of standard MTA and spotty customer journey tracking

Reflect true marketing performance on campaign level 

Unlock hidden growth potential

iActivate: Margins, Returns & Predictive CLV

In real-time, our iCLV uses machine-learning predictive customer lifetime value to compute user-level incrementality directly in biddable media.

Acquire and retain high-value new customers for sustainable growth

Focus on high-profit low-return products

Leverage first-party data to help Meta, Google and MSA understand what really matters

EXPERT Insights

Watch & Learn from the Experts at Crealytics

Why it’s getting difficult to measure customer journeys?

What is the strongest measurement methodology?

What to look for
in a measurement partner?


Fueling the Growth of Retail Champions Since 2008

For over 15 years, Crealytics has been helping leading eCommerce and retail companies optimize their media spend. Global team of marketing data scientists and additional business intelligence specialists.


Additional Profits Unlocked by Retailers


Our Methodology

The iCLV Measurement Platform is rooted in incrementality and triangulates the following methodologies:

  • Incrementality Testing: We use geo-experiments with synthetic control to assess the true incremental lift of your channels. 
  • Marketing Mix Model (MMM): Our MMM uses Bayesian time-series regression and Adstock to obtain accurate channel attribution insights.
  • Multi-Touch-Attribution: We use MTA to assign credit down to the campaign-level based on the results of our incrementality-calibrated MMM. insights.

Industry Perspectives on Measurement

With incrementality testing, we identified that we could drastically reduce our CPCs and spend less in brand search. We’re on track to save 3% of our marketing budget by decreasing our Brand Search investment.

Based on the strong incrementality test results we saw for Display/CTV in FY23, we’ve increased our budget by 18% which we estimate will drive an additional 14% in incremental revenue.

Dylan Lane

Director of Digital Marketing,
Leslie’s Pool Supplies

The Crealytics iCLV Measurement Platform blends incrementality tests, MMM and MTA in one product. Triangulating these measurement techniques is the gold standard of future-proof marketing measurement and will help businesses better understand the impact of their media investment.

Andrew Covato

Founder, Growth by Science.
Formerly at eBay, Netflix, Meta, Google.​

The marketing landscape is very muddled. The reality is that shoppers don’t move down the marketing funnel as cleanly and simply as we’d like--it's actually a whole lot more complex.

Incrementality testing would allow us to more cleanly demonstrate beyond the confines of the DDA or last-click model how various marketing activities and channels contribute to that mix. Without any kind of integrated incrementality testing, we're just going off platform data, but it's not going to be a complete picture.

Thomas Charlwood

Paid Search Manager,
New Look


Get Onboard in 3 Phases 


Month 1-3

Predictive CLV: Understand the long-term return on your marketing spend (including repeat purchases).

Calibrate MMM with Incrementality Tests (iMMM)

Month 4-6

Predictive CLV: Understand the long-term return on your marketing spend (including repeat purchases).

Calibrate MMM with Incrementality Tests (iMMM)

Month 4-6

Predictive CLV: Understand the long-term return on your marketing spend (including repeat purchases).

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