Crealytic’s funding initiative in the EU: CLV-Bidding and Digital Co-op Platforms

Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung
crealytics wird durch die ProFIT – Projektförderung und durch Mittel des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) unterstützt.

Crealytics will be supported by ProFIT funding and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the development of the following projects:

– Research about “Customer Lifetime Value” (CLV) in Online Performance Marketing and its application
– Research about possible systems for offering multi-channel solutions in the Co-op-Marketing field
– Integration of CLV in Online-Marketing-Bidding-Software
– Development of Co-op-Marketing-Platform for handling multiple campaigns
Crealytics’ CLV research aims to better understand the applications of Customer Lifetime Value, particularly regarding the ingestion of CLV-data into bidding systems. It also seeks to improve understanding of digital co-op processes, and how they might be better leveraged by brands and retailers as part of their advertising campaigns. The results of this research will help to address the challenges of both parties – brand manufacturers and retailers.

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