Lands’ End Achieves
Impressive Growth

About the Retailer

Lands’ End is a U.S-based provider of clothing and home décor, which brought in revenues of $1.5 billion in 2017. The popular retailer engaged Crealytics to build upon its strategic vision: to drive better new customer acquisition in the U.S., U.K. and E.U. markets.

The Challenge

Crealytics already knew that paid social is an effective driver of revenue growth, but questions surrounded the following:

1 – Facebook revenue numbers often show positive Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Crealytics sought to prove whether revenue driven from Facebook was incremental to what already came via other, more efficient channels.

2 – As a mass market cataloguer, Lands’ End already had significant reach into its target market. Could Crealytics drive new-to-file customers that hadn’t already done business with Lands’ End via other channels?

3 – Lands’ End uses an aggressive promotional calendar to stay dynamically responsive to stock levels and in-market demand. How could Crealytics align frequent and unscheduled changes to merchandising levels, pricing and discount schemes across their paid social campaigns?

Crealytics' Approach

Crealytics’ experience with paid social tells us that retargeting lists often focus on lower funnel audiences. By employing existing customer lists as a modeling and exception file, Crealytics crafted an upper funnel-focused custom prospect universe to address via Facebook Lookalike Audiences. Crealytics then passed the initial results from these audiences against Lands’ End’s internal customer file. This ensured that no customer had purchased within the last 18 months, or been targeted via other offline efforts.

Using Lands’ End’s analytic solution as its single source of ruth, Crealytics determined that the Facebook Lookalike campaign was providing incremental revenue.

Crealytics assigned groups of prospects randomly into Test and Control categories. Controlling for variability in audience segmentation and promotion schedules, Test clients saw Facebook Lookalike ads while the Control category did not. The measurable uplift in performance from the Test audiences gave us our incremental revenue and new customer uplift.

The Results

By incorporating incrementality into the system from the moment of campaign launch, Crealytics drove revenues higher than both prior-period and forecasted-performance.

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